Author name: Stewart Lonky, MD

Stewart Lonky, M.D., is a physician, toxicologist, and biomedical engineer. He is board certified in internal medicine, pulmonology and critical care medicine, and a recognized expert in the related fields of preventive medicine and environmental toxicology and its associated diseases. Dr. Lonky is known for his cutting edge research into the causes, treatment and prevention of toxic chemical exposures and heralded for his in-depth knowledge of obesity's biological, environmental, and social influences.

Losing pounds

Why the Biggest Losers Couldn’t Keep the Pounds Off: Obesogens

“I’d argue that obesogens, chemical compounds found in our food, drugs, and homes that alter metabolic processes and predispose some people to gain weight, were the real antecedent in the contestant’s inability to maintain their hard earned loses.” Since debuting in 2004, NBC’s megahit reality show The Biggest Loser has been one of the biggest winners for

Why the Biggest Losers Couldn’t Keep the Pounds Off: Obesogens READ MORE »

20 Decades After 9/11, New Legislation Aims To Help First Responders Exposed To Deadly Toxins

What’s the most dangerous job in the U.S.? Farmers face heavy equipment accidents; construction workers are often a fall away from death; police are at daily risk of getting shot. How about firefighters? After all, racing into burning buildings, where the temperature typically reaches 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit, isn’t exactly a day at the beach. On average, 39

20 Decades After 9/11, New Legislation Aims To Help First Responders Exposed To Deadly Toxins READ MORE »

Flint Water Crisis is an Opportunity for a Renewed National Fight Against Urban Lead

The recent water tragedy in Flint, Michigan has put lead back into the national spotlight. The situation in Flint is horrific for the town’s residents and unforgivable on the part of the folks that made it happen. In my twenty plus years of treating patients with toxic poisoning and testifying in countless workers’ comp cases

Flint Water Crisis is an Opportunity for a Renewed National Fight Against Urban Lead READ MORE »

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