Author name: Stewart Lonky, MD

Stewart Lonky, M.D., is a physician, toxicologist, and biomedical engineer. He is board certified in internal medicine, pulmonology and critical care medicine, and a recognized expert in the related fields of preventive medicine and environmental toxicology and its associated diseases. Dr. Lonky is known for his cutting edge research into the causes, treatment and prevention of toxic chemical exposures and heralded for his in-depth knowledge of obesity's biological, environmental, and social influences.

global warming

Global Warming’s Insidious Effect on Diabetes

After what seems like a never-ending stream of superstorms, droughts, floods, and wildfires, there should be little doubt that climate change is having a dramatic impact on our lives. But global warming may also be causing other, subtler impacts on our health. Earlier studies, including a blistering 2012 BMC Public Health report, found that our ever-expanding waistlines were having the

Global Warming’s Insidious Effect on Diabetes READ MORE »

breakfast cereal brands

Is Your Breakfast Cereal Making You Fat?

Obesity is a multifactorial disease. No surprise there. Environment, advertising, behavior, politics, along with a dozen other factors, play a role. What about your breakfast cereal or wall-to-wall carpeting? In the case of the cereal, unless you’re chowing down on a box or two a day of Frosted Flakes you wouldn’t think so. However, new research is pointing out that

Is Your Breakfast Cereal Making You Fat? READ MORE »

Tooth Fairy - baby teeth

Tooth Fairies Take Notice: Scientists Are Moving in On Your Turf

The Tooth Fairy had better take out a small loan. The price for baby teeth is about to skyrocket. Indeed, our children’s pearly whites aren’t just for placing under pillows anymore. Scientists are now using baby teeth to identify and measure environmental toxin and chemical exposure. That’s right, those sweet little propitiations to the Tooth Fairy, for

Tooth Fairies Take Notice: Scientists Are Moving in On Your Turf READ MORE »

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