Blog posts, articles, & insights

Can Air Pollution Really Make Us Fat?
Several studies appear to show a disturbing correlation between airborne particles, obesity, and its associated diseases. Should we be concerned? The Chinese capital of Beijing is known for many

Injecting Some Sanity into the Autism-Vaccine Debate
Most of us love the idea that babies are born into the world unblemished. “Blank slate” is the popular term, and it conveys a sense of childhood innocence. Sad

Global Warming’s Insidious Effect on Diabetes
After what seems like a never-ending stream of superstorms, droughts, floods, and wildfires, there should be little doubt that climate change is having a dramatic impact on our lives. But global

Is Your Breakfast Cereal Making You Fat?
Obesity is a multifactorial disease. No surprise there. Environment, advertising, behavior, politics, along with a dozen other factors, play a role. What about your breakfast cereal or wall-to-wall carpeting? In the case of the

Can Sleeping Make You Fat?
Knowing what we’re up against is the first step toward a healthier lifestyle and breaking that vicious cycle. For years now, we’ve been told that too little sleep leads

Tooth Fairies Take Notice: Scientists Are Moving in On Your Turf
The Tooth Fairy had better take out a small loan. The price for baby teeth is about to skyrocket. Indeed, our children’s pearly whites aren’t just for placing under